Get the Computer Name cross-platform using Powershell

Get the Computer Name cross-platform using Powershell

Table of Contents


There are a few ways to get the computer name using Powershell. One way is to use the environment variable $env:COMPUTERNAME however, this doesn’t work on a Mac.

a screenshot of terminal in vscode with no value returned from the command

Other options

Here are a few options to get the computer name using Powershell that work consistently on both Windows and Mac.

MachineName property of the Environment class


GetHost() method


Using the output

Both of these options will return the computer name as a string allowing you to pass the value into a variable.

$name = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostName()
Write-Host "Computer name is ${name}"
> Computer name is Justin-MacStudioM2.local
$name = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostName()
Write-Host "Computer name is ${name}"
> Computer name is Justin-MacStudioM2.local


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